
Senin, 26 November 2012

pedang legenda di dunia sejarah

pedang antik, pedang legenda yang sangat mistis, karena konon ini pedang nabi !

pedang legenda di dunia milik nabi

konon merupakan pedang legenda zaman dahulu milik nabi !

pedang legenda di dunia

pedang legenda milik raja arthur katanya

pedang bagus, pedang antik, pedang sejarah

pedang antik, pedang bagus, pedang langka !

pedang nabi

pedang nabi muhammad

pedang sejarah

pedang sejarah yaitu zulfikar

Kamis, 22 November 2012

kenyataan belajar mata batin di

 Pada waktu saya membuka saya telah menemukan Cara membuka mata batin, dan saya sangat puas akan hal tersebut, karena hasilnya sangat luar biasa, dengan metode tertentu saya sudah bisa melihat tuyul hahahahahaha.

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Kinds of Electronic Measurement and Functions

Electronics Measurement and Functions | electronic measuring instrument (electric) was the instrument / tool used to measure electrical quantities such as electrical resistance (R), a powerful electrical current (I), an electric potential difference (V), power (P) , and others. There are two types of gauges are analog gauges and digital gauges.
Here are a variety of electrical measuring instruments:

Multimeter Analog / Digital
Generator functions
Digital Signal Analyzer
Spectrum meter
1 ampermeterAmmeter is an instrument used to measure electric current strength both for DC and AC power is in a closed circuit. Ammeters usually lined with fitted electric element. How to use it is to insert directly into the circuit ammeters.
Ampermeter zero position in the middle2. VoltmeterVoltmeter is an instrument / tool to measure the voltage in an electrical circuit. Voltmeter arranged in parallel to the location of the components measured in the circuit. The tool consists of three copper plates mounted on a bakelite which are arranged in a glass jar or plastic. Outside the slab acts as the anode, while the middle one as the cathode. Generally these tubes measuring 15 x 10cm (height x diameter).
Electronic Measurement and FunctionsVoltmeter3. Ohm-meterOhm-meter is an instrument for measuring electrical resistance, the power to resist the flow of electric current in a conductor. The amount of force that is measured by the device resistance is expressed in ohms. Ohm-meter tool uses galvanometer to measure the amount of electrical current passing on the electrical resistance (R), which is then calibrated to units of ohms.
Kinds of Electronic Measurement and FunctionsOhm-meter4. Multitester Analog / DigitalMultimeter is a tool for power mngukur often known as VOAM (Volt, Ohm, Ampere meter) to measure the voltage (voltmeter), resistance (ohm-meters), and current (ampere-meter). There are two categories of multimeters: digital multimeter or DMM (digital multi-meter) (for a new and more accurate measurement results), and analog multimeter. Each category can measure AC power, or DC power.Kinds of Electronic Measurement and FunctionsDigital multitesterKinds of Electronic Measurement and FunctionsAnalog multitester5. OscilloscopeOscilloscope / oscilloscope is a measuring tool that serves to project electronic form of electrical signals that can be seen and studied. Oscilloscope equipped with a cathode ray tube. Devices emitting electron electron beam projecting into the cathode ray tube screen. Spotlight electron imprint on the screen. A special circuit in the oscilloscope has repeatedly spotlight moves from left to right. This repetition causes form a continuous signal that can be learned.
Kinds of Electronic Measurement and Functionsoscilloscope6. Generator functionsThe generator function is a measure that is used as a source of the necessary trigger, is part of the equipment (software) electronic test that is used to create an electric wave. These waves can be repeated or one-time.
Kinds of Electronic Measurement and FunctionsGenerator functionsAnalog function generators usually generate a triangle wave as the basis of all the outputs.

Scheme Series Car Alarm Siren Police

Scheme Series Car Alarm Siren Police | siren circuit in the figure is a series of the police car siren alarm. Consists of 2 pieces of IC TL 555 as astable multivibrator, VR1 and VR2 will set the alarm sound output so you will be able to set / adjust the tones produced are similar to real police car alarm.
Schematic circuit Police Car Alarm Siren
If the dihasikan otput sound speakers less than the maximum, you please add such mini power amplifier 8 watt amplifier (LM383 Or TDA2002) or can use other amplifer fit your needs. You can cut the siren output circuit above and used as the input of the amplifier. Have a try!!!

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

01 Blog or website that is considered to be SEO

           In 2012, SEO is the most dominating us to display a website in order to appear on the main page. From some / ratutasan thousand users a single website and domain bloggers, many of them rare show website main page of search engines. Why if you are buying a single domain still does not appear on the main page, and the user instead of bloggers who use this free website, sometimes appeared on the main page? because we have the characteristics of a single website or use our free website. From the position that search engines SEO (Search Engine Optimize) displays your website in Google's main page. In my own tu is something we need to know the activity of successful SEO for your website appear on Google's main page. But for users of the free website such as blogger, do you give up to make us a free website to appear on the main page of the search engines. Just like if you give up, then failure will occur, and suksespun disappeared. From here I will write my tips so that your website appears on the main page. 

View our website.
This view would make SEO like our website, as if the attractive appearance of our website, then SEO will judge it to be made in SEO website. This value is part of the value of the search engines to put your website on the main page. If you view our website is good, then the search engines will love to see it.

Post website.
Also suggests that activity in filling a website we show that we are serious activity to run a website, especially on the free website. because in this post SEO will see our content, and to be in need in the search engine that provides some visitors.

         Advice from me is if we want to enjoy our website in the search engines, and that will memnjadikan our website SEO is a great view, but do not most excessive widget installed, and besides we have to check whether the charge in our old website or not. If my advice in this post is not too short in creating an article, it will reduce the appearance of our pages, and we need to know is that each make a post is to do it every day, then our website will be referred to as a quality SEO website, and show a serious attitude in running a website.

How to write a blog to make it look SEO

At this time I am or can be called cheap article writer, would share something to the lovers of google+, blogger, or a user's Google account. Here we learn to write an article, which makes the content visible in our blog SEO / might be called (Search Engine Optimistic) is a written article in the search engines love, and strength were again featured blog on the first page of google. This is the first time I wrote an article titled SEO, blogging and learning.At the largest search engine google, blog / website can appear on the main page of search engines, because we have a
certain content which makes high value in the eyes of our website search engine, and can appear on the main page. In the eyes of the search engines, so that your website appears on the main page of Google, then that should we examine is the content, the writing, and that makes people feel important in the eyes.Just as when we wrote an article 'how to write a blog to make it look SEO'. This is where we will begin to learn blogging my own creative though not creative at all hehehehehe. In making an SEO blog posts, we have to have some skill that makes SEO see our website perform better, and put your post on the first page. From some of my posts interesting is the title success, if a post we get maximum results, and create a blog in the search engines is like a long word our posts, sign posts letters,articles of interest, and the information is often in search of people.

 Why should it be length of said post?
The length of a word is the way we should, if we want our website appear on the first page of the Google search engine. From the length of words that the search engines judge a blog, because if there is a visitor on our blog, visitors will be a long pause in our posts. SEO highly recommend this principle to all Blogger users who want to appear on the main page search mesi.

What is the sign letters also rated by the search engines?
Punctuation is affecting our blog to SEO, because creative punctuation shows us in creating a post, it is because we are considered professional by SEO, because we are already starting to show our seriousness in running a website.

 SEO is like an interesting article.
Why is SEO like article interesting? like whether or not a search engine is a search engine own desires, because in order to appear on the main page of google, how to keep changing every day. But these are the terms that are beneficial for all of you, these terms refer to the main requirement in taking the title, because if the content is not interesting, then your post no one is visiting.

Creating posts that are in search of people.
If some post show one category only then we will be quiet website visitors and our visitors will get bored with it. For example, the category of success, if all of the content on our website showing success all posts, visitors will feel bored if its in read only success. SEO emang love with it, but that visitors are looking for satisfaction in reading our articles.

That is if you want your website appear on the main page of the search engine, and preferably google. full of all thank you for your visit, may be useful to learn blogging, in order to perform SEO.

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Manfaat mendoakan orang lain

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Pada malam ini saya bernama siti fatimah ingin memberitahu kepada anda, bahwa sesuatu yang kita anggap remeh, ternyata mempunyai manfaat yang sungguh besar. Kita sebagai manusia di dunia ini, mempunyai berbagai ciri, dan sifat yang berbeda. Pada dasarnya kita di ciptakan sebagai manusia untuk mencari sebuah hikmah di balik sebuah kejadian yang kita lakukan. Untuk mendapatkan sebuah hasil dari kegiatan kita, kita memerlukan beberapa pemikiran sendiri, agar hasil kita maksimal, seperti iyulah contohnya.
Saya sebagai manusia biasa, hanya menumpang di bumi ini, hanya sementara di bumi ini, dan saya juga bisa mati. Jika kita memikirkan betapa besarnya manfaat berdoa untuk orang lain, maka diri kita akan menikmati hasil dari doa tersebut. Saya minta tolong agar anda membaca ini sampai selesai, dan inilah waktunya saya akan memberitahu anda betapa besarnya manfaat mendoakan orang lain.
Sebagai contoh & kita lakukan doa bersama hari ini, detik ini,menit ini,jam ini, besok,dan seterusnya :
" Ya allah, saya mohon berikan kesehatan kepada semua umat manusia di bumi ini, yang kususnya untuk negara tercinta kita INDONESIA, agar semua dalam keadaan sehat, bahagia, serta penuh dengan cinta kasih sayang, jika saya membaca ini ya allah, maka dalam waktu lima menit kedepan, doa saya sudah tersampaikan dan akan terkabul."
Manfaat :
.Tubuh kita merasa sehat
.Diri kita akan seperti doa kita diatas 
.Akan mendapat pahala yang berlimpah
.Akan medapat barokah tersendiri

Sekian terimakasih atas informasi dari saya, semoga bermanfaat untuk bekal di dunia maupun diakhirat.
Silahkan komentar apa yang anda rasakan... . . . ..  

Work that can make money

Work  that can make money.
In a result that we do will always bring good luck, as we're working, make capital, and running a business. If Internet users here know the meaning of a blogger or a blog, you might be tempted to try, and try to get the results via the Internet, with blogging. One is me, I am still learning, and trying to make money through this blog. If I am in learning, this is the information of my very important, so you know, can be shared, and produce from your own work.
In looking for a job, you could take many months, if you want a job from which you created the blog. I was up until now, has not only got the job I charge.Actually a lot of work from the internet, or can be called to make money via the Internet. If you are interested in blogging, this is my way to work, through the blog:

Write article.
If you love to write, make any event as your income, as I was an author of the article with 90 articles per month at a price of $ 100. write a good article, and very unique in the online business prefer to write their products, or you can be a writer on their website, so that their website has content that is interesting, because if our work is unique, the more visitors who read their content, that is what they are looking for an article writer.

Being a pet consultation.
If that is I never put on my blog, but if you have excess or could care for pets, you should not hesitate in promoting your service is. Because this is one of the job for you, who are looking for a job.

Delivering the goods delivery.
It is a job that allows you, in the honesty. When we run this activity, the condition we have to be honest, because if not honest, there goes our work. We have to be professional, and be in trust, so that we get this job.

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

prayer in order to get a job.

prayer in order to get a job.
Talk about a job, surely everyone already understood, what I write, but, if we are thinking of a world and the hereafter. So we are going to be easy in the running life. As usual, I've written a post about success, now we will discuss a prayer.Prayer is a word that we convey to our god. Of the word, we can bring a wish, and it will turn out to be real, when God answered our prayers. Although we do not know, suddenly we pray, and granted. It is a belief of our hearts, we are drawn to God, when we ask anything to her. If only you do not get the job, do not you give up lah, in search of a job until you can, and do not forget to

wear a prayer, so we have an easy job.For example, if you want to work in the company, as this is the prayer "O god given job, to me, so that I can help my family, my intention with this is my prayer for my family happy", while reading the prayer of our minds, to be positive , and it's really in our hearts, to help our families.

After praying, you can calm yourself, / can be called meditation, our silence for 5 minutes / more, so that our prayers were answered quickly. When practice meditation, we should be relaxed, the mind should not be nowhere, can not think of any negatives, we only intend to help, if you want to get a job, not only help families, but we also help our bosses work, So we will be very intent tersebu easy to find a job. And pray the prayer above, then you will feel the effects of the prayer itself.
So thank you, I've read this post, if there are words that are wrong, I apologize, because this is my Indonesian people who are learning, and sharing a useful writing this. May be useful for readers of the title'
prayer in order to get a job'.

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

how to draw a success

how to draw a success
It can not imagine anymore when we are, can pull a success, of a success is simply no way, good luck, and our destiny. We live in this world, nothing but live only, after that if we call God, then we will leave this world. When you think "how can I succeed" then yourself you will make a meaningful. Of the world into the next, from poor to rich, from difficult to easy, from life to death. We are a circle as the earth continues to spin on its axis, if we look at it, then we will understand how to be successful. Since you're reading my writing, then you will get yourself a free information from me.
  We're here to learn. Remember! we are learning, if you are not here to

learn, why do you read my posts? because you are learning, as well as me too.
   I would ask you guys. if you did not read my post, then you have become a successful self-right, for example, I have been successful, why do I have to read bukusukses? tidakkan. Thus, here we are learning to find success within us.
Do you lazy lah, in commenting on my blog, you ask me, then I will answer your problem, so for example in helping each other. From the beginning we run a success, you is not give up, keep fighting despite our futile results, look at our position and find the results of our activities. So we're detailing a success.

 The beginning of success.

Do not give up.
Giving up is the result of a failure that we carry, even though it does not mean we give up to lose, but we lost to look for a mistake we did, and after that we renew our road to success from the beginning, or can from our mistake. So do we give up in the search for our success.

 Keep fighting.
Keep fighting is the principle that success comes from us, to fight for something, let no little word "lazy, I gave up, and the other negative words. Said mebuat spirit is a word we have some of the energy that makes us successful, only a few people who fight activities, to achieve something. If you want to ask this, comment below so permasalahanya completed.

 See our circumstances.
If we look at our circumstances, then we will make it a principle to achieve a success. We carry out an activity, we definitely see our position right? like we can run it or not, and see the results of our work.

if you like my writing, I hope that you read carefully, so that my writing could be a path to success, I hope my writing is useful for the reader

dream of a successful job you

dream of a successful job you
In order to realize something, certainly in the beginning we would dream the dream of desire, to get success. In the desire, we have some things we want to carry out, although at first our dreams can fail or we may be successful. In carrying out the work, we could choose, what kind of work cut out for us, even more so in accordance with our expertise. Then the second step towards a success, we've inadvertently its run. In this step, we will implement an activity for us to success.
Getting a result,
  Getting an income that is an achievement of our success, and our income is, the result of the hard work is a step towards success. In order for our results to be a success, then give step success or we can be called a

work activity, an interesting impression,and love.

 An interesting impression.
An interesting impression on the activity of leading successful we are interesting in finding out our luck. Activities in to a success there needs to be a success goals,
and good purposes, for example if you are working on someone, the intend is our goal to help him work. for example, if you have the capital, suppose you have a restaurant, you intend is to help them so that they delight in our services.

Is a manifestation of the love in our hearts a joy, love, and sincerity. While love is a thought, but if we apply on a job we are, then our work has the objective that make easy success we achieve. as well as in person, if we love him sincerely, then over time he will love us too. Our work, too, if we are sincere in our work activities being run, then came a success.

if my words wrong, I beg of magnitude, since I was a human being who wants to find success in the job. so many of my writings, may be useful. please comment on my post discussing this.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

success is in us for us is something that is natural, because we are having some thoughts, one thought about, and right thoughts. I am not asking you to make your own success in a way my way, saw there was a thought that made me confused is why we find ourselves sometimes fail? That's from the first, up to now which makes me confused. If there is a saying yan say "success comes from ourselves", from saying that I'm thinking about where it came from success come from? it still does not know for sure. Even now many people who are successful in the world. We see that if we were also successful in the
internet world. Do not you give up if you have certain advantages, make it is talent or ability to achieve success. Just like if you are talented in making songs, andakan could make songs and sing, and we share in you tobe,. For example, again you have some products to sell, then we sell it through social media, Kitakan not know our success than anything, could be talent, could have been luck.

 View capabilities.
Seeing capability is an example of where it comes from our success, because the ability is something that we've managed to do twice and so on, then this capability will make our way to success in ourselves, without the help of anyone. For example, if your skills in a job selling goods, then lived alone work, and believe in ourselves, that we are going to be successful someday.

Luck is to come in - come, especially on the sudden success came alone, for example you have given up in a job selling products, and product no one buys, one day a man came to buy your product. that's the nature of luck in success on us, we've tried, but we failed, we had stopped, came success.

that if we are God's creatures. then success coming at us. although my crappy post, I apologize profusely. please comment for more detai discuss, and we solve our problems together.

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Skuteczna modlitwa, że nasza praca płynnie

Skuteczna modlitwa, że nasza praca płynnie
Każdy sukces jest powiedzenie, to nie są nam drogę do sukcesu. Aktywny jest formą wglądu rozwijającej własnego sukcesu. Pomodlić za sukces'' wykorzystać swoją'' szczęście modlitwy oznacza, że ​​musimy być skuteczne dla szczęścia siebie i innych. Ss długo Ci osiągnąć sukces to lepiej poczekać na naszych aktualnych oczekiwań. jeśli się powiedzie, że potrzebuje pieniędzy? no. Jeśli się powiedzie to wymaga doświadczenia? no. Czy ludzie, którzy nie są udane będzie szczęście? tak oczywiście. Dlaczego? bo każdy ma szczęście nie tylko sukcesu, ale raczej myśleć osoba ma pozytywne myśli, więc ciągnąć losy coś w swoim myśleniu.

  modlitwa jest symbolem tego, co sprawia, że ​​wydarzenia, jak, kiedy mówimy "tak Błagam Boga, aby mnie sukces", to nasze umysły odruchy wykazały pozytywną rzeczą
, Co sprawia, że naturalny nagrań

dokonanych nam sukces w robieniu takiej pracy, biznesu i naszej stolicy. w przekonaniu, że możemy utworzyć wydarzenie, które jest najlepsze w naszym życiu.

  praca czyni nas coś zrobić, że udaliśmy się prawdziwy sukces, i przyciąga sukces dzięki naszej pracy, które są aktualnie uruchomione. Pewnego dnia poczujesz prawdziwy sukces w naszej pracy, o ile osoba ta nie robi niczego, co czyni je to pełen śmiechu, jak chcemy sukcesu w tworzeniu nas szczęśliwymi w podróż, która każe nam traktować poważnie w modlitwie sukces naszej pracy.

how to create a successful life

In a life of having a round that makes us like a sea that is sometimes up and sometimes down. We as humans have the opportunity to live a happy life in the world, and the hereafter. Just as there is a black, and white. And if we have the color black, then our lives as the waters were receding or you're a failure, if we have the color white, then we are like the sea is rising or we're having success. Now you must wait for the title in the "how to create a successful life." Where the hell do I? OK to not exist? quiet for a while so all my dear blog readers. Here's how it: we're having a negative thought, and positive right? the answer is yes.

 If we notice a negative thought, then our lives will continue to fail, and therefore God has created a difference, no black <> there is white, there is a positive <> nothing negative, <> no fail <> no success. From this we learn to make our lives successful. His discussion
as follows: if all the negativity that we thought our lives would turn into a life that will fail, why like that? because if we count each day thinking a negative thought? then we stayed calculate it, how many times we will fail. The word 'shall' means already indicated that we want to run something, already know?. Conversely, if we think a positive thought, then we count only live act, the success of which we will take.
         From the title above then we can take out of this discussion, so that we can run our lives successfully.
Notice my writing dai top to bottom, do not miss one any of my posts, if you missed one word, it would be a great loss to yourself, because I am writing this, for free And what if there was one word from me, I apologize for the amount, as I am only human.

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

سلمت التسول صلاة سلم إلى النبي محمد من أجل أن تكون ناجحة

assalamualiakum wr.wb
صلاة أخرى كما الصلاة، الصلاة في الصلاة التي هي تماما مثل الآلهة، وإذا كنا نفعل ذلك بالطريقة الصحيحة منغ الخيرية. نحن كبشر لا أفهم ما هو ما، ما الدينية على حد سواء. لذلك علينا أن نتعلم كيف الماجستير TECHNIK TECHNIK الصلاة. من أجل أن أنقل صلواتنا والحمد لله الله.
     عندما قرأت صلاة، أشعر بالرضا عن نفسي إذا ذهبت في أي مكان فيها. لنفترض عقولنا الخوف عند الذهاب إلى مكان مثل هذا، ولكن عندما نقرأ صلاة، ونحن نذهب لتشعر بالراحة عند الذهاب keman فيها. ناه من المفيد للصلاة من أجل حياتنا.
    اذا كنت تفعل شيئا على وجه اليقين صلينا معا صديق صديق الله ل. إذا نحن قادرون على مكافأة الصلاة الصغرى. maksut من كتابي هذا هو بلدي TECHNIK الصلاة.
لنجاح صلاة لأول مرة هو، والثاني هو تكنيك، وآخر هو المريض. ثم تكون النتيجة ثلاثة على نجاح.
  الصلاة قبل قد قرأت لك صديق لصديق. من كل صلاة، كان معظم قوة النبي محمد القى سلم باخلاص شديد.
  الصلاة لها:
  المعنى: اللهم تبرير وسمح الرب معيل masy'aril حرام، حرام صاحب baitillahil الله، ومتناغم يماني قبر النبي ابراهيم عليه السلام كان لنا أن أنقل إلى سلم رأى النبي محمد
  وينبغي أن تقرأ صلاة الصباح أعلاه في أوقات الصلاة. ونحن كل يوم حتى أتذكر صلاة نفسه.
قد يكون من المفيد .. للقراءة من الأعلى إلى إنهاء في وقت لاحق سوف تجد TECHNIK الخاصة بك.

tips menjaga tubuh kita agar tetap sehat

tips menjaga tubuh kita agar tetap sehat

Waktu umur kita 1 tahunan gitu, kita sering sekali di jaga sama orang tua kita. mereka menjaga kita dengan penuh kasih sayang,cinta,dan harapan agar kita di suatu saat sukses. dalam kehidupan sehari hari kita melakukan beberapa hal yang mungkin itu penting / itu tidak penting sama sekali bagi kita. kita adalah manusia biasa yang di ciptakan mempunyai tubuh yang sempurna,akal untuk memikir,dan banyak lagi allah mengasih kita. Dari judul saya di atas itulah yang harus kita perhatikan setiap hari, karena kesehatan adalah
paling penting dalam kehidupan kita. misalkan jika anda sakit, kalian apa bisa kerja?, apa bisa maen di luar rumah?,apa bisa mengejar keinginan kalian? nah begitu penting nya kesehatan bagi tubuh kita.
sebelum anda membaca tips saya ini. baca lagi dengan teliti bacaan saya di atas karena pemahamannya ada di atas.

1.menghindari kebiasan buruk
kebiasaan yang buruk dari manusia ialah kebiasaan yang membuat tubuh kita merasa tersakiti.
semua orang menganggap kebiasaan buruk mereka adalah gaul,maco,dan apalah. itulah perokok yang menganggap diri nya gaul,maco.
lahalah za itulah mereka yang tidak tau akibatnya, sudah menghamburkan uang, menghabiskan waktu, dan sama sekali tidak memperhatikan keadaan paru parunya. hindarilah hal tersebut jika ingin tubuh kita sehat.

2.hindari hubungan seks bebas
hadeh yang ini kebanyakan anak anak muda jaman sekarang, semoga saja saya tidak melakukan hal ini. audzubillahiminzaligh. nah jika kalian melakukan hal ini, sudah dapat dosa, ntar jika ke terusan pacar kalian akan hamil,di kucilkan masyarakat,terkena penyakit,dan ketagihan.
dari kegiatan seks tersebut anak muda jaman sekarang cuma ingin diri nya puas tapi tidak tau akibatnya seperti diatas. karena diri mereka sudah di hasut dengan setan.  maka dari itu jika ingin sehat hindarilah hal ini, untuk memperbaiki negara kita INDONESIA ini.

3.makanan setiap hari
kita kan juga membutuhkan makanan setiap hari teman teman, tapi kalian juga perhatikan lah hal makanan yang kalian makan setiap hari. makanan enak saja belum tentu ada manfaat nya bagi tubuh kita, malah ada yang merusak tubuh kita teman teman. seperti bahan penggunaan pengawet, boraks, dan bahan kimiawi.

selalu perhatikan jika kalian beli di warung gitu. pilih lah tempat yang bersih,terawat,dan berkualitas. karena sulit sekali kita menebak bahan bahan tersebut teman teman. mending jika kalian ingin sehat , bawalah makanan kalian sendiri, dan alami seperti sayuran,telur,dan lain lain.

4. perhatikan lingkungan kita .
kita selain menjaga tempat tinggal kita, kita harus memperhatikan tempat tinggal kita/ jika bersih indah kan kalau di pandang, selain itu jika ada tamu,tamu kita akan merasa senang juga jika berkunjung di rumah kita.  nah jika tempat tinggal kita kotor,apalagi tidak terawat. kalian pasti tau jawaban nya teman teman.

5.sikat gigi.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha jika kalian tidak melakukan hal tersebut pasti lucu deh bau kalian.

semoga tips saya bermanfaat untuk anda, terimakasih sallam sukses